The anaerobic chamber is then used to isolate and protect them throughout the research process. In this article we will be looking at how this chamber works.
The anaerobic chamber
The anaerobic chamber is one of the best solutions for incubating anaerobes, i.e. bacteria that can live in the absence of oxygen and cause families of infections such as intoxications, mixed infections and gas gangrene. It is a special chamber that is also called Freiter’s chamber or anaerobic station, enclosure or incubator. It provides ideal conditions for growing these bacteria strains. In order to create anaerobiosis, it uses gas mixtures (H2, N2, etc.). In this way, its internal atmosphere contains 0% oxygen. Depending on the required incubation conditions, operators can control the temperature inside the chamber. In order to avoid anaerobic breakage, the components integrated into the anaerobic chamber allow the evolution of the microbial culture in each Petri dish to be seen and observed.
Microbial culture under anaerobic conditions
Strict anaerobic bacteria are very difficult to grow, they require specific bacteriological techniques from their collection to their culture. Blood cultures (seeded in two vials: one with oxygen and one without) are generally used to collect and transport them. The anaerobic chamber is then used to culture them for phenotypic studies or other types of research. Incubation takes place in blood agar mediums, inside an incubator in ambient air where the temperature is about 37°C. It can take several hours or even several days. The chamber allows a direct examination thanks to its design. In addition, an anaerobic chamber can receive several different samples depending on its capacity and characteristics. For example, it can create an atmosphere adapted to micro-aerophilic organisms, tissues or cells in hypoxia. Like a laboratory glovebox, the anaerobic chamber is equipped with sleeves to simplify handling without interrupting anaerobic conditions. However, it offers a superior quality of anaerobic. In other words, the protection of the samples is increased.
Discover the PUREMOD and the PUREEVO of Jacomex
Jacomex is a leading expert in the design and manufacture of containment technologies such as the anaerobic chamber. For anaerobic experiments, this French company of international stature offers two product ranges: the PUREMOD and the PUREEVO.
- The PUREMOD: this glovebox is very efficient and has a compact <1 ppm O2 purification unit integrated and a working face. It exists in 3 standard sizes. It is intended for the protection of products. It can be used for common applications under controlled atmosphere in academic research and many other fields.
- The PUREEVO: this is a multi-purpose glovebox in <1 ppm O2 purification that can also be used as an anaerobic chamber with increased safety. It is dedicated to product and operator protection. Jacomex offers standard models, but also a tailor-made design in terms of dimensions, number of working faces and accessories according to the customer’s specifications.