Climatic Glove Boxes – Climatic Boxes

Climatic Glove Boxes – Climatic Boxes

Jacomex, a specialist in custom-built installations, is always ready to take on challenges in partnership with its customers thanks to its motivated teams, involved in product quality and innovative technical solutions at every level.

Our clients

Many customers from a variety of industries have trusted Jacomex to design and manufacture their glove boxes, insulators and air purification systems.

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“Mosquitoes” project for the Insectarium of the IBGMC Strasbourg

Special climatic glove box lines have been designed in collaboration with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) to safely study the life of mosquitoes and understand the processes of transmission of parasitic diseases (malaria, dengue, Zika virus) carried by these insects.

Glove boxes, as protective barriers with safety locks, are used to breed mosquitoes, stimulate their growth and study their entire life cycle until their death after incubation of certain viruses.

The Corian glove boxes have been custom-designed as climatic enclosures that reproduce a tropical environment controlled in humidity and temperature favorable to a development without stress for the insects, including alternating cycles of days and nights. In this way, the results of the analyses are completely free from any environmental context and linked only to the pathology introduced in these mosquitoes. Some glove boxes had a CO2 control added, used in this case as an anaesthetic or lethal gas, in order to sort, prevent escapes or dissections.

A climatic glove box allows precise temperature and humidity control and can be used for other applications, notably as a chamber for testing, studying the behavior and characterizing a product and its components by subjecting them to repetitive cycles of extreme hot/cold – drying/wetting conditions.

These controlled environments created by Jacomex are also used to subject certain devices (electronic components, glass, etc.) to excessive or extraordinary atmospheric conditions in order to detect non-visible defects and remedy unpredictable failures.

In other cases, our climatic glove boxes enable us to reproduce specific environmental conditions to an anaerobic underground environment in order to understand certain living phenomena or to experiment in specific environments.

Whether to reproduce climatic conditions conducive to the development of living organisms or to subject products to severe changes in temperature and humidity to verify their performance, Jacomex offers you innovative, turnkey solutions.

Jacomex, a specialist in custom-built installations, is always ready to take on challenges in partnership with its customers thanks to its motivated teams, involved in product quality and innovative technical solutions at every level.

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