Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) for Glove Box

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)



  • AFM is a near field microscope such as the tunneling microscope (STM).
  • Essential in nanoscience and nanotechnology, these instruments allow a surface characterization of samples.

Technical Specifications

Technical specifications of the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM):

In 1985, JACOMEX supplied a tailor-made glove box to IBM engineers with the integration of a tunneling microscope to preserve the atomic resolution.
JACOMEX today uses the same techniques to preserve the quality and precision of measurements.



This equipment can be installed on the following glove box models

Glove box designed for research and industry for all applications < 1PPM H2O – O2

Glove box designed for controlled atmosphere processes < 1PPM H2O – O2

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