Heating Plates for Glove Box



All our glove boxes can be equipped with optional hot plates which are generally used to remove water and/or solvents from the surface of a substrate so as to optimise the dehumidification of devices and samples or even to harden materials sensitive to air in a controlled atmosphere.

Technical data

Technical specifications - Information

Technical specifications of glove box heating plates:

Autonomous hot plate: temperatures of your choice up to 350°C or more on request, different sizes available. Microprocessor-controlled digital controller allows presetting of operating temperature in 0.1°C increments up to 99.9°C and in 1.0°C increments for temperatures above 100°C
Hot plate integrated in vacuum lock: standard temperature up to 250°C, electronic gauge, automatic temperature-vacuum management programmable via the touch screen

Hot plates are used in analysis processes and in the development of new materials and treatment of substrates in many fields such as nanotechnology, development of photovoltaic solar cells and organic LEDs, semiconductors, preparing nuclear samples…

All The hot plate systems we offer are tailored to a specific application. We offer them either in a simple version placed on the floor of the glove box or on a sliding tray, or integrated within a large stainless steel vacuum lock.

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