Jacomex Inert Gas Large Glovebox System Under Positive Or Negative Pressure
G(Mega) is a containment system for all large industrial, research and production facilities.​
It is fully modular and designed to reach volumes up to 150m3 and facilitates the integration of complex processes, robots and welding applications.​
Already in service in sectors such as additive manufacturing, naval and aerospace, it is suitable for all industrial processes which must be carried out under controlled atmosphere.​
Equipped with our latest generation and stackable CORE 64 neutral gas purification units, the inert gas purity leaves no compromise to productivity.

G(MEGA) Typical Features
- ISO 10648-2 highest leaktightness class 1 or 2​
- Stainless steel (304L or 316L shell and structure) ​
- EPDM gaskets​
- Vacuum or gas flushed airlock systems of custom dimensions and enhanced cycle time for enhanced productivity,​
- Industry standard feedthroughs, docking systems​
- Welding, dust, HEPA filtration​
- Under controlled inert gas atmosphere or purified atmosphere reaching less than 1ppm of Oxygen (O2) and Moisture (H2O)
Typical Applications
- Additive manufacturing​
- Titanium Welding​
- Air and/or moisture sensitive Large process integration
Beyond The Standard For Critical Applications
- Fully customized design and process integration​
- Dedicated JACOMEX project and engineering team​
- Risk assessment​
- Automation, data log and transfer​
- Compliance with ATEX environment in/out​
- Special filtrations: Acids, iodine, gases, ULPA ​
- Dust filtration​
- Temperature control
Gas Purifier Solutions
- CORE 24S, ​
- CORE 64S​
- CORE 64P​
Large Antechamber Configurations
- Special Cylindrical antechambers​
- Guillotine doors, ​
- Large cubical vacuum antechamber ​
- High productivity vacuum system solutions
System Integration
- Furnaces​
- Axis welding robots​
- Powder processing​
- Special customer processes
‌They Trust Jacomex Solutions
Many customers from a variety of industries have trusted Jacomex to design and manufacture their glove boxes, insulators and air purification systems.
Equipments and features
Recommanded accessories for Gmega glovebox
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