Materials Characterization in Glove Boxes and Isolator

Jacomex supports the development of advanced materials by integrating characterization instruments for precise surface analysis under controlled atmospheres, ensuring humidity and oxygen-free environments for applications such as energy conversion, microelectronics, and aeronautics.

The development of advanced materials and composites used in new technologies such as energy conversion, lithium batteries, in microelectronics, aeronautics or in the reactors of the future necessarily implies a process of characterization during the different stages of their development.

Biomaterials, composites, nanomaterials, functional materials, carbon and hybrid materials are among the advanced materials where analysis of the physicochemical properties must be carried out under a controlled atmosphere, without humidity or oxygen. Jacomex has integrated characterization instruments and surface analysis in laboratories and R & D including atomic force microscopes (AFM), scanning electron microscopes (SEM), Raman spectroscopy, XPS analysis, TOF-SIMS analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, etc.
Jacomex Gloveboxes

Different Glove Boxes for Additive Manufacturing Applications


PureSmart Glovebox - Standardized for cost, built for reliability

Research institutes and laboratoriesEnergyIndustry

Robust, Economic and Modular, our « COTS » glovebox system for research. <1ppm O2 and H2O​

  • Standalone closed loop gas purification system
  • Maintain O2 and H2O <1 ppm
  • Available in 3 sizes + potential extensions, single sided
  • Working gases: Nitrogen or Argon
  • Positive or Negative relative pressure operation
See PureSmart glovebox
PureSmart Glovebox - Standardized for cost, built for reliability


Gbox Glove Box - The Regulated Glove Box

IndustryResearch institutes and laboratoriesNuclear

Modular glove box under controlled atmosphere, gas sweeping or climate glove box.

Constructed on the basis of standard or custom dimensions, it is suitable for any scientific or industrial application requiring a specific regulated atmosphere. A customized plan is developed according to your requirements.

See Gbox glovebox
Gbox Glove Box - The Regulated Glove Box

‌They Trust Jacomex Solutions

Many customers from a variety of industries have trusted Jacomex to design and manufacture their glove boxes, insulators and air purification systems.