JACOMEX – COVID-19: we are all concerned!




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JACOMEX – COVID-19: we are all concerned!

Strong measures are applicable as of now at JACOMEX:

  • Cancellation and postponement of all meetings and visits planned on our premises,
  • Implementation of teleworking if possible in following depts.: Accounting, Quality, Sales Adm., R&D, Design Office, Purchasing Dept., Marketing,
  • Implementation of teleworking for itinerant sales teams: cancellation and postponement of visits, organization of meetings by videoconferences,
  • Implementation of teleworking for installation and service teams: cancellation and postponement of visits, assistance by videoconferences,
  • The production staff is invited to respect social distancing and basic hygiene rules (soap, bottles of hydroalcoholic gel available in many places), urged to stay at home for 14 days in case of colds, appearance of suspicious symptoms, contact with sick people, breaks and meals to be taken individually, suspension of team work.

JACOMEX is taking action to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. We thank our customers and our partners for their understanding as well as our employees for their efforts!