Standard, big, special and even overelaborate, we love all our gloveboxes at Jacomex




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Standard, big, special and even overelaborate, we love all our gloveboxes at Jacomex

Early December, we celebrated the Saint Eloi day, patron saint of the boilermakers.

This opportunity, if even needed, to congratulate again our welder and boilermaker team at Jacomex. By their commitment, know how, expertise and talent, they deliver our projects from the standards to the most complex builds in our demanding fields of activities.

Some teammates sometimes have ears that are burning when the drawings get to their desk, and before as well, at the methods, engineering and project management departments “what did you think with this white elephant?…”, but the team always finds solutions to meet all the requirements of these “particular” requests, with in the end, the satisfaction and pride to having designed and fabricated unique gloveboxes and isolators that satisfy our customers and strongly contribute in further demonstrating our know how.

This year again, our team is getting bigger and newly hired welders and boiler makers have joined us (the most recent joined on Monday). Welcome and bravo to all our teams.