Glove Boxes for Welding Appliations

The TIG welding of certain metals and alloys such as titanium, molybdenum and tantalum must be carried out in a glove box under argon with gas purification and with the moisture and oxygen content in ppm and the guarantee of mechanical resistance to the standards in force, particularly in the field of aeronautics.

Jacomex has always been a reference in the field of argon support, as a major supplier of players and contractors in the aerospace sector.

All our glove boxes for welding can be custom designed and come with integrated torches and hermetic passages. Sample welding tests can be carried out upon receipt of the material in our Lyon (France) workshops.

Different Glove Boxes for Welding Applications

Controlled atmosphere glove box for the protection of products < 1PPM H2O - O2

Glove box designed for controlled atmosphere processes < 1PPM H2O - O2

Glove box designed for research and industry for all applications < 1PPM H2O - O2

Modular glove box for gas scavenging. Easy to use, low maintenance.

Large volume glove box under controlled purified atmosphere.

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184 Avenue du Bicentenaire
Zone Les Prés Seigneurs
01120 Dagneux - France

Made in France

All of our products are designed and manufactured in France